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General Papers

A micromechanism based statistical model for brittle fracture PDF
K. Wallin, T. Saario, K. Torronen, J. Forsten
Construction of a fault tree using prolog PDF
S. Fukuda
Damaging effects of porosity on fracture of sintered nickel PDF
Ph. Bompard, D. Francois
Governing parameters for sub-critical crack- growth analysis in areas of high nominal strain PDF
S. Bhandari, S. Charif d 'Ouazzanw, C. Faidy
Influence of loading rates on the ductile crack growth of austenitic stainless steels PDF
C. Fenerol, P. Balladon, J. Heritier
Interrelation among microstructure, crack-tip blunting, and ductile fracture toughness in mild steels PDF
D. Firrao, R. Roberti
Localized deformation and fracture due to low velocity particulate erosion of ductile metals by spherical particulates PDF
P. S. Follansbee, D. Banerjee, J. C. Williams
Similitude relations for comparison study of thermomechanics stability of fracture PDF
P. Jouanna, V. F Poterasu, G. Berthomieu
Void nucleation and growth during tensile deformation in steel PDF
J. T. Barnby, C. J. Flavell, A. S. Nadkarni, Y. W. Shi
Width influence on R-curves obtained with thin sheet test-pieces bearing blunt central notches PDF
D. Firrao, R. Ferrario, F. Ricci, R. Roberti
A critical depth criterion for the evaluation of long-life fatigue strength under multiaxial loading and a stress gradient PDF
J. F. Flavenot, N. Skalli
A discussion of mechanisms of accelerated and retarded fatigue crack growth PDF
N. A. Fleck, R.A. Smith
Effects of porosity on fatigue crack propagation in sintered nickel PDF
Ph . Bompard, D. Francois
Fatigue strength estimation incorporating residual stresses: comparison of different fatigue criteria PDF
N. Skalli, J. F. Flavenot
North sea oil platforms: failure under random loading PDF
R. Foroughi, J. C. Radon
Role of oxidation in micro-fracture process of AISI 316 stainless steel in high temperature low cycle fatigue PDF
T. Kunio, M. Shimizu, K. Yamada, M. Fukumoto, M. Ito
The effect of ion implantation on the fatigue fracture of structural steel PDF
A. V. Fyodorov, E. V. Vasilyeva
Measurements of the fracture toughness KIc of concrete PDF
P. Rossi, P. Acker, D. Francois
On modelling of delamination in laminated plates (an alternative to fracture mechanics approach) PDF
J. N. Reddy, A. Grimaldi, D. Frederick
Experimental study of the J-integral in the plastic zone around a crack tip, using the Moire method PDF
M. Gueury, D. Francois