Digital Repository, ICF12, Ottawa 2009

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Determination of Elastic-Plastic Properties of Metallic Thin Wires by Small-Span Bending Test
H. Tohmyoh, M.A. Salam Akanda, H. Takeda, M. Saka

Last modified: 2013-05-06


A mechanical testing methodology for thin wires based on small-scale bending
under lateral load is reported. Geometrical configurations of the wire prepared on
a substrate are firstly rearranged for the testing by manipulating it utilizing Joule
heating. A small-span bending load is applied at the local area of the wire with
two opposite probes, and the small force acting on the loading tip is measured
with a capacitance sensor. From the load-displacement relationships obtained by
the experiments, Young’s modulus and yield strength of the thin wire are
successfully determined.

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