Digital Repository, ICF12, Ottawa 2009

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A coupled two-scale computational approach for masonry out-of-plane failure
T.J. Massart, B.C.N. Mercatoris

Last modified: 2013-05-01


The formulation of macroscopic constitutive laws for the behaviour of masonryis a complex task, due to its strongly heterogeneous microstructure which considerablyinfluences its overall mechanical behaviour. Due to the quasi-brittlenature of its constituents, this results in initial and damage-induced (evolving)anisotropy properties, accompanied with localisation of damage. In its structuraluse, such a material may be subjected to cracking, leading to localisation of damageat both the structural and fine scales. Closed-form laws have therefore beendeveloped for equivalent anisotropic media for elastic and cracking behaviour[1], later applied for the modelling of plate failure [2]. The use of such models inthe cracking regime is however impeded by their costly and cumbersome identification.As a complementary approach to closed-form constitutive relations, themulti-scale computational strategies aim at solving this issue by deducing a homogenisedresponse at the structural scale from a representative volume element(RVE), based on constituents properties and averaging theorems.

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