VECF1 - 1st Virtual European Conference on Fracture
First day: June 29, 2020
Due to the Covid-19, the ECF23 (Funchal, Madeira) has been postponed to 2022. In order to keep alive the connection between European Structural Integrity Society (ESIS) and its community, this 1st Virtual European Conference on Fracture (VECF1) has been organized.
Important dates:
10.04.2020: Propose a minisymposium 10.06.2020: Registration and fees payment
10.06.2020: Presentation and abstract submission
29.06.2020: First day of the conference
20.08.2020: Papers submission for the Procedia Structural Integrity issue
Venue: ONLINE!
Fees: 100 € (before 10.06.2020)
Proceedings Publication: Papers will be published in a Procedia Structural integrity issue.
Event organization:
- Authors have to prepare their presentations (e.g, using powerpoint) as videos with audio in English (10-15 minutes max). The Authors will submit their presentations with an abstract (one page) using an online procedure (LINK). A tutorial is available here: LINK.
- All the videopresentations will be uploaded in the ESIS YouTube channel (as private playlist and videos: in this way, only the participants will be able to watch the videos).
- The videopresentations upload deadline is June 10, 2020, in order to give to all the participants the time to watch the videos of interest. The virtual conference will be organized online with thematic sessions (e.g., using the Google Meet platform).
- The chairpersons will prepare one question for each presentation, at least, and, after the first question from the chairperson, the discussion will be open to all the participants to the session. The sessions will be open only to the discussions, not to the presentations.
- Authors will be asked to submit the papers for the Procedia Structural Integrity issue after the conference (before August 20, 2020).
Volunteers Committee:
We are organizing this virtual conference to demonstrate that the ESIS community is stronger than the Covid-19 virus. We will appreciate any help you will be able to offer to the conference (e.g., chairing sessions, reviewing papers, checking videopresentations etc.).
Please, register yourself in the VECF1 Volunteers Committee: LINK
... be a member of our great community!