Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale

Issue 41 (July 2017) is on line!



ICSID2017 International Conference on Structural Integrity and Durability 2017 (ICSID2017) and 4th ESIS Summer School  

August 14-18, 2017 Dubrovnik, Croatia (LINK)

ICSI2017 will be hosting "The Second Multi-Lateral WOrkshop and Structural Integrity related issues"
(Italy-Portugal-Spain): LINK

4-7 September, 2017, Fungchal, Madeira, Portugal
New Abstract submission deadline: 15.03.2017

Corso: Progettazione con i materiali compositi a matrice polimerica: introduzione alle metodologie di calcolo e di caratterizzazione

11-15 Settembre 2017, Padova (in italiano). ( LINK)

Fatigue Design 2017. 7th edition of the International conference on fatigue design. Partner Country: Italy

29-30 November 2017, Senlis, France. ( LINK)

6th International Conference on Crack Paths (CP 2018)

19 - 21 September, 2018,Verona, Italy. (LINK)
30th November, 2017 Abstract Submission
15th March, 2018 Camera-ready papers

News from IGF

- IGFXXIV (Urbino, 1-3 March, 2017). Papers are now available in the 3rd issue of Procedia Structural Integrity (LINK).

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