IGF Workshop: Fracture and Structural Integrity: ten years of "Frattura ed Integrita' Strutturale"

4-6 June, 2018 (Cassino, Italy): Flyer, LINK

10.03.2018: Abstracts submission (LINK)
20.03.2018: Abstracts notification of acceptance
30.04.2018: Papers submission
10.05.2018: Papers notification of acceptance
15.05.2018: Early bird registration

During the workshop, the meeting of "Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale" editorial board will be held (04.06 at 18.00). Join us!

Great news from Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale

After being accepted in ISI WoS - ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index), now Frattura ed integrità Strutturale is fully indexed in ISI WoS. All the papers published in the IGF Journal since 2015 have their own WOS: LINK.
IGF wishes to thank all the Members of the Boards, the Associate Editors, the Guest Editors, the Reviewers and, obviously, all the Authors that allowed to obtain this great result!! THANK YOU!!!!
... and don't forget .. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale is completely free of charge both for readers and for authors! The journal is completely financially supported by the IGF. Join the IGF events and you will help the IGF journal to live and to further improve!!

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