VCSI2020: 1st Virtual Conference on Structural Integrity
Venue: online
January 16, 2020

Important dates:
15.11.2019: Registration
01.12.2019: Papers and presentations submission
16.01.2020: On line discussion

Details about VCSI2020:
VCSI 2020 is the First Virtual Conference on Structural Integrity, and it aims to be a forum to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, practical challenges encountered and intelligent solutions in fatigue and fracture of materials. This event is mainly aimed at Master and PhD students, young researchers and engineers, but is naturally open to everybody.

  • Fees: 60 €
  • Proceedings Publication: Papers will be published in a Procedia Structural integrity issue.
  • Presentations must be sent in advance (before 01.12.2019).
  • Discussion will be online.

Authors of selected conference papers will be invited to submit extended versions for publication in peer reviewed special issues of Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale and Material Design & Processing Communications (Wiley).

Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale
Issue 49 (July 2019) is online

Three new plugins are now active:
1) pdf embedded in the journal website structure: selecting a pdf, the file now is open inside the journal website;
2) papers statistics for each paper: you are able to visualize how many downloads and views were obtained for each paper, per year and per month.
3) “Online first”. As soon as the paper is accepted, and the Publishing agreement and Visual Abstract are uploaded, the paper is immediately published in the “Online first” section, being immediately available!

Issue 49

IGF25 & Summer School

In the IGF YouTube channel you can find the video recordings of the IGF Summer School (Catania, June 9-11, 2019) and of the IGF25 International Conference (Catania, June 12-14, 2019) … JOIN US!!

FIS & Visual Abstracts

In this YouTube channel you find all the Visual Abstracts of the papers published in the last issues of Frattura ed Integrità StrutturaleJOIN US!!!



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